Sunny 21ºC
Our family went for a day trip a few days ago to the
Illawarra Fly located two hours south of Sydney, we had beautiful weather around 24ºC but cooler in the mountains at 18ºC when we arrived for the day just before noon.
Enroute to our destination we briefly stopped at the popular Bulli Pass lookout which has stunning views down the the Wollongong - Illawarra area, the visitor centre was newly renovated at still seemed to be a work in progress but very near completion.
Panoramic view down to the Wollongong and Illawarra area from the Bulli Pass Lookout. |
It was a busy day on the shipping lines. |
Stunning beaches. |
The freeway gave way to beautiful country roads then onto the narrow winding roads up the mountains to an altitude of around 700 metres and in which on the return trip we were given the biggest fright as we rounded one of the many hairpin bends a trailer truck without it's load came roaring into the bend opposite us as we entered...thankfully we all managed to stay on our side of our respective roads, after that split second moment we dare not think what would happen if there was a slight lapse of judgement on either drivers.
Cows are big part of the scenery along the country roads. |
Beautiful curving country roads with fences that go on forever. |
The windy roads, this was one of the more easily managed ones. |
Upon arrival. there was a chill in the mountain Spring air, the fields are open and beautiful. There was a short track leading to the treetop walk, with plenty of flora, birdlife and unseen fauna to take in as well.
Mulberry bushes were everywhere. |
Wildflowers were in abundance. |
I had initially conjured up the Star Wars character but after some internet research found that it is from the famed
Through the Looking Glass stories....and apparently I'm not the only one who makes this mistake, according to
the internet a lot of people also confuses "Jabberwocky" with the Star Wars character "Jabba the Hutt" too. |
Mail for the wombat hole inhabitant. |
Now the treetop walk is quite spectacular, a very manageable walk of about 1.5km return including the track leading up to the steel platform walk which for most of it is elevated to about fifty metres up from the forest floor. The walk is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness, though it is certainly a bit of a challenge for a person who has a fear of heights like myself, especially when ascending the stairs to the Knights tower, the viewing platform above the steel walk.
180º Panorama view of the Pacific Ocean from the top of the Knights Tower lookout above the steel walk.
To the far right of the photo you can see a structure where the next look out point is. |
If you're brave enough to get closer to the edge you can have a closer look at the scenery through the binoculars. |
The see through steel bottoms certainly doesn't help for the height challenged few. |
The rainforest setting has magnificent tall trees all round behind the walk that you walk through when you begin and end the steel walk.
All in all it is a great place to visit on a leisurely day trip, we also managed a short photo stop at the Nan Tien Temple on the way back.
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