Saturday, December 3, 2011

food for thought...

Windy Sunny 23ºC

Food comes in so many forms...
comfort food, healthy food, junk food, yummy food amongst others.

Without it we could not survive, too much of it is not good for us.

Sometimes food is not just for the mouth, it is also for the eyes, how it is plated determines how appetising and appealing it is.

How do we moderate ourselves when we are confronted with a table full of scrumptious food especially in the upcoming festive holiday season, it will take all of my willpower to resist overindulging myself but I know it will not be enough.  So I can only tell myself as the clock ticks over to 2012 and when those fireworks highlight our wonderful year past, that my new year's resolution is to have more willpower in 2012. 
[But as you and I know New Year's resolutions only lasts for New Year's day and by 2nd January we're back to our old ways, well for me anyways).

Keep indulging and dreaming...