Saturday, December 24, 2011

how big is your world?

Sunny 28ºC

A sneak peek into the miniature world of a Venus Flytrap...

Our world is an amazing place, but when you look through the lens 
at the world around us you will realise there are many other little worlds within ours.
If you only just stop, look and listen you may just discover them.
Take this time, a lull in our busy lives, to discover what we never notice before because we are just so busy.  
The wheels will start turning again when the New Year rolls over and life gets busy.

So STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN & keep dreaming...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Phobia...

Cloudy 23ºC

I am an arachnophobic, oh I'm not just an arachnophobic, in fact anything with more than four legs and two eyes will freak me out, nothing in this world could make me go within metres of them...
until one morning, seeing a photo opportunity, I realised my passion is stronger than my phobia, we will accustomise ourselves in pursuit of that passion...mine which is to capture the beauty of our world through my lens helped me overcome this phobia, don't get me wrong, my phobia is still very much alive but for a few moments one morning it was overcome...

A predator and it's prey (all wrapped up ready for dinner).

Overcome those fears, you never know what you can achieve until you do it.

 and keep dreaming...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Sunny 21ºC

It's that time of the year again...

for us to sit down and reflect on our year past.

For some it could very well be a reflection of happiness,
For some refections of sadness,
For some a mixture of ups and downs,
And for the rest, probably best not to reflect at all.

Whatever your reflections are, you will be glad in knowing that in a few weeks time
you will get the chance to do it all over again.

Happy reflections and keep dreaming...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

our lines...

Cloudy 22ªC

Do our head, heart and life lines on our palms determine our lives or do we determine them?

Something to think about and keep dreaming...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

christmas is near...

Sunny 25ªC [afternoon storms] 

...can almost feel it!

Introducing my Christmas Bunny...

"This is my hand...

this is my jewels...

this is my trumpet...

this is my ear...

 and this is ME!

and ME!


just a little hello from  a christmas bunny.

Hope you're feeling it keep will be here very soon!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

those treasured moments...

Rain 21ºC

Seize the moments... once it will not return to give you a second chance.

Whether you are a parent...a child...a friend...a partner...
treasured moments come and go, just like the seasons but unlike seasons they will not return a second time so if you don't make the most of them when they are around, they will just pass you by.

Don't let it pass you by & keep dreaming...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What makes you smile and laugh...

Showers and Cloudy 20ºC

So what really makes you smile or laugh...?

What made me smile today was a quote on my children's school announcement board in honour of the Year 6 students that are gradutating this Thursday ~

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened"

It teaches me in future how to view things when happy times come to an end.
I'm lucky happy times happens often in my life.

There are so many ways of smiling and laughing ....

Guess I have to answer my question too...
my children, my loud and crazy extended family (all 40ish of them), my hubby (when he's in a good mood), cute baby animals... isn't a very long list is it, I'm sure there's more but can't think of any more right now, will add to this when they pop up. 

I'll be waiting for your answers...

Keep smiling, laughing and dreaming...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Is the grass really greener...

Windy and Rain 21ºC

...on the other side of the fence?

I think to have this notion, whether true or not, is definitely a good thing for us.  At least then we have something to dream and strive for, otherwise our lives would pretty boring.

I'm sure though, even when we get the courage to jump that fence and get to the other side there is always another one waiting for us.

Would you jump that fence?

 keep dreaming...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

food for thought...

Windy Sunny 23ºC

Food comes in so many forms...
comfort food, healthy food, junk food, yummy food amongst others.

Without it we could not survive, too much of it is not good for us.

Sometimes food is not just for the mouth, it is also for the eyes, how it is plated determines how appetising and appealing it is.

How do we moderate ourselves when we are confronted with a table full of scrumptious food especially in the upcoming festive holiday season, it will take all of my willpower to resist overindulging myself but I know it will not be enough.  So I can only tell myself as the clock ticks over to 2012 and when those fireworks highlight our wonderful year past, that my new year's resolution is to have more willpower in 2012. 
[But as you and I know New Year's resolutions only lasts for New Year's day and by 2nd January we're back to our old ways, well for me anyways).

Keep indulging and dreaming...